Daniella Ohad

Visit SC Johnson

If the name SC Johnson is not familiar to you, go to your pantry and you would definitely find something produced by the company: Windex, Glade, Pledge, Fantastik, just to mention a few of its cleaning products that are to be found in every American home. The company, also known as Johnson’s Wax, as it […]

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Superstudio: 50 Years of Superarchitettura

The Italian design collective Superstudio had never really finished a building, and all of its designs have remained unrealized utopias of alternative architecture and planet/urban planning. Yet, like German Expressionism, which rarely conceived real buildings, it has maintained a key place in the pantheon of 20th-century design. Now, Maxxi Museum in Rome has opened “Superstudio:

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Visiting Taliesin

The terms ‘organic architecture,’ ‘prairie architecture,’ and the ‘American Home’ have been closely associated with Frank Lloyd Wright, the hero or 20th century architecture. Yet, what I have learnt this weekend, following the Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail, recently established by the State of Wisconsin, is that while you can theoretically comprehend these terms, you

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Conversation on Design @DeLorenzo Gallery with Michael Chow

Next week, I will moderate another Conversation on Design @DeLorenzo Gallery with Michael Chow, one of the most intriguing personalities in the American creative world. Chow, who is known globally as the visionary mind behind the sophisticated, stylish, and elegant chain of restaurants Mr. Chow, had become the most visible ambassador of Chinese culture in

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