Daniella On Design
My Journey into the world of Japanese Kogei – Part I
As the design conversation has grown increasingly global, cross-disciplinary, and multifaceted over the last decade or two, I’ve puzzled over the limited attention paid by Western audiences—mainstream media, auction houses, and collectors—to the extraordinary production of Japan’s kogei tradition. Afterall, this body of contemporary handcrafted work, including weaving, ceramics, metalwork, and more, embodies the same values that
My Journey into the world of Japanese Kogei – Part I Read More »
Bleached at Home
Bringing a new piece home is always a celebration. With every piece added to your collection comes the opportunity to add a piece that is a meaningful and important part of your narrative, each piece a player in your family story. That is to say, every addition should manifest design at its best; design that
Machiko Hashimoto: Giving new life to blue-and-white Japanese Porcelain
All images: Mika Sasaki Photography, Kyoto, Japan.
Machiko Hashimoto: Giving new life to blue-and-white Japanese Porcelain Read More »
Architecture of Light
You have most likely never heard the name Shmuel Bickels (1909-1975), but you are definitely familiar with the architects who were influenced by him, such as Louis Kahn and Renzo Piano. Architects across the globe were inspired by his vision of architecture of natural light and would go on to create masterpieces. They visited the
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Culinary and Heritage in Tel Aviv
When you walk into Asif you might think that it is one of the new chic and stylish restaurants to recently spring up in midtown Tel Aviv. But Asif (the Hebrew word for ‘harvest’) is much more than a restaurant—as a non-profit organization and culinary center that is dedicated to cultivating and nurturing Israel’s food
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