Bringing the Fire

While started as sources of illumination in antiquity, candles have transformed over the years and, to us today, they represent the power to evoke memory, spirit, and emotion. This is what Michele Oka Doner had in mind when creating her new and memorable solo exhibition ‘Bringing the Fire’ at David Gill Gallery in London. This installation manifests the notion that candles influence our memories and passion, reminding us about spaces, places, and lost time, and empowering our experiences and energies. A New-York-based artist, Oka Doner has explored with fire and nature throughout her career, and here, she created a magical installation of a variety of bronze sculpture, reflecting shapes and elements of nature. For the opening night, she lightened the entire gallery with hundreds of candles in black and white, bringing a sense of optimism and restoration. It has made me thinking of the Biblical Burning Bush which was on fire without consumed by the flames, demonstrating to Moses the power of God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan. Perfect timing for this show in Passover, which comes to celebrate this moment