One of the most exciting and intriguing events of the upcoming Biennale des Antiquaries, which opens in Paris in September, will be presented by Artcurial, a 10-day exhibition leading up to a sale entitled ’20 Year Friendship with Diego Giacometti: Brollo Collection.’ The show traces a friendship between a couple of collectors, Eliane and Daniel Brollo, their son Frederic Brollo, and the artist Diego Giacometti (below), flourished in Paris shortly after his brother Albert’s death in 1965 until 1985. When the three met, Giacometti was a struggling artist, dealing with his brother’s death and creating furniture which style was not in vogue in interior décor. Passionate about nature and animals, Giacometti often casted them and attached the miniatures to his bronze furniture. Over the years, the Brollo couple acquired bronze furniture and lights, becoming major clients, and so the artists often gave them plaster casts, which also include in the show. Those are particularly interesting as they reveal his creative process and the methods carried out in the studio. The exhibition includes some rare photos of Diego Giacometti in his studio to illustrate a comprehensive picture of the life in the studio during these years.